Halacha OnlineHalacha for the Frum Jew
Bothering Neighbors

Business and Misc.Halachos of Benefitting from Others’ Property

It is forbidden to use or benefit from others’ property without permission.  

A.    Land

One may not use another’s land to keep items there[1] דדוקא שותפים לא קפדי אהעמדה (ע' ב"ב נז:) or live there[2] ע' שו"ע חו"מ ס' שסג . However, it is permitted to walk through it[3] שו"ע יו"ד (רכב, א), ותוס' (ב"ב נז:) , except in four scenarios:

A.     If it bothers or causes any loss to the owner, even a small amount, one may not do so[4] שסג, ז. ולכאו' כיון שחייב לשלם אחר כך, פשוט דאסור לדור בו לכתחלה בלי דעת לשלם. . For example, one may not walk in someone’s backyard since it causes him to be more cautious in his house, and one may not walk through his vegetable patch. It is assur to throw garbage into someone else’s Dumpster, if he pays for the garbage by volume.

B.      If the item or benefit used is something which usually people pay for, one may not use it for free[5] שסג, ו. . For example, one may not ride a bus without paying, or sneak a child into a zoo to avoid paying the fare.

C.      If there is reason to assume that the owner would not want him to do so, he may not use it[6] כיון דהוי זה נהנה וזה חסר, פשוט דאסור. . For example, one may not park in a store’s lot, as they want the spots to be available for their customers. One may not use a private parking lot as a shortcut, as the owner may be liable if someone gets hit. One may not use items without permission, as they may be damaged or stolen.

D.     If it is illegal and the law is actually enforced, it may be prohibited[7] משום דינא דמלכותא, כמ"ש לעיל {Laws of Stealing}. . It also may constitute chilul Hashem.


There is a practical difference between these cases. In case A or B, if one used the item without permission, he is obligated to reimburse the owner for the market rate of the amount he benefitted[8] ע' שו"ע שסג, ו-ז (even if it cost the owner very little), but in case C or D, he is not necessarily obligated to pay.

One is permitted to use a dirt lot as a shortcut, if he does not know if the owner minds, but if the owner is a non-Jew, one must ask first, to avoid chillul Hashem.

One may sit in another’s succah if he knows the owner will not be home then, but if the owner may come and be embarrassed to ask him to leave, it is assur[9] מ"ב (תרלז, ט) בדעת רמ"א שם . It is also assur to use it and leave a mess.


B. Moveable Items

It is forbidden to use another person’s item without permission[10] ע' שו"ע (חו"מ רצב, א) דהוי שואל שלא מדעת דהוי כגזלן. . There are two cases where it is permitted:

A.     If one wants to use someone else’s item for a mitzvah, and it likely will not cause any loss or bother to the owner, one is permitted to use it, on the assumption the owner would not mind[11] ע' רמ"א (או"ח יד, ד. וגם תרלז, ג, ותרמט, ה) דדעתו דדרך אדם להקפיד בספרים ולא בטו"ת. . He must leave it in its location and not move it[12] מ"ב (תרמט, לד) . It is still imperative that one try to ask the owner permission if at all possible[13] ? . However, if the owner might mind, it is forbidden. One may borrow someone’s talis or tefillin, but he must wrap them up properly. One may borrow someone’s arba minim once, but not every day (as constant use may cause them to get damaged)[14] מ"ב (תרמט, לד) .

B.     If one is absolutely certain that the owner would not mind if he used or ate the item, he may use it or eat it[15] נחלת דוד (ב"מ כב.) בדעת ש"ך (?שנח), אמנם, אני חושב דלדעתו אפי' תוס' יסכים לזה. . For example, a child visiting his parents’ house may take food from the refrigerator if he is certain they permit it (even without express permission).  


[1] דדוקא שותפים לא קפדי אהעמדה (ע' ב"ב נז:)

[2] ע' שו"ע חו"מ ס' שסג

[3] שו"ע יו"ד (רכב, א), ותוס' (ב"ב נז:)

[4] שסג, ז. ולכאו' כיון שחייב לשלם אחר כך, פשוט דאסור לדור בו לכתחלה בלי דעת לשלם.

[5] שסג, ו.

[6] כיון דהוי זה נהנה וזה חסר, פשוט דאסור.

[7] משום דינא דמלכותא, כמ"ש לעיל {Laws of Stealing}.

[8] ע' שו"ע שסג, ו-ז

[9] מ"ב (תרלז, ט) בדעת רמ"א שם

[10] ע' שו"ע (חו"מ רצב, א) דהוי שואל שלא מדעת דהוי כגזלן.

[11] ע' רמ"א (או"ח יד, ד. וגם תרלז, ג, ותרמט, ה) דדעתו דדרך אדם להקפיד בספרים ולא בטו"ת.

[12] מ"ב (תרמט, לד)

[13] ?

[14] מ"ב (תרמט, לד)

[15] נחלת דוד (ב"מ כב.) בדעת ש"ך (?שנח), אמנם, אני חושב דלדעתו אפי' תוס' יסכים לזה.

Next: Infringing on Another’s Income
Infringing on Another’s Income